Little game made in 560 characters of javascript.

Discover the rules as you go

j=[];u=o=>{(b=$('body')).html((e='<button onclick="')+'m(0)">⟲'+e+'j[0]?u(a=j.pop()):0">⤺');,x)=>{b.append('<br>');,y)=>b.append(e+(c!='x'?`j.push(>[...o]));(q=a[x=${x}])[y=${y}]!='>'?(n=1,,w)=>,z)=>{if((o=w-x)*o+(o=y-z)*o==c*c)q[y]-=-c;n&=c!=0}))):(q[y]=q[y+1]|0,a[x][y+1]='>');u(n?(j=[],m(1)):0)">`+c:'">_')))})};m=o=>{n=0;u(a=l[i+=o].split`k`.map(a=>a.split``))};l=(btoa("ÓMdÒM4ÓItÇI1ÇY4—LqÇqÒI4ÇMdÓt”I4ÇYu“Lt“IDÓM6M4ÓyuÓI$ÇM$ÓIDÖI4ÒQӉtÇI1ÇI1ÇI4ÓY1Ç%Ómė8’I1Çy$’M%")+'ÜkWIN!').replace(/E/g,'>').split`l`;m(i=0)

You can also play it on or paste it into the console on any page with a body 

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this game is a fucking masterpiece


Impressive.  Reminds me of the IOCCC.  Not sure what the logic is behind how the third puzzle combines the two numbers, but I did somehow stumble upon the solution...

BTW the undo feature sometimes seems to take two clicks per action to actually undo, but not always...maybe that's part of one of the puzzles? 

(1 edit)

I think it's undoing a nothing click, it's not smart enough to recognize when an action had an effect.